Music ministers guide the Assembly in sacred song at our liturgies.
Preparing children, 8-12 years old, for First Communion.
Serve Sunday Mass and other liturgies. Children and adults.
Thursdays from 6:00PM to 7:00PM.
Liturgy of the Word at 5:30 followed by Blessed Sacrament Adoration.
Preparing teens, 14-17 years old, for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Preparing couples for the Sacrament of Marriage (Must be married 10 years at least).
Assist the Celebrant with the distribution of Holy Communion during liturgies and to the sick.
Present classes for Baptism preparation.
A group that counts the funds collected at Mass each week. Each group volunteers about once a month.
Preparing 15 y/o boys and girls for their liturgical celebrations.
Catechisis during Sunday mass (12:00pm) for little children.
Assistance to families planning Funeral Liturgy.
Proclaim the scripture readings at Sunday mass and other Liturgies.
Welcoming people to Liturgy, assist with bulletins, taking the collection.
Ministry of service and prayer.
Preparing adults, (18+), for baptism, 1st Communion or Confirmation.
Strategies for implementing Catholic Social Teaching.